How To Clean A Vehicle's Oxygen Sensor

Posted on: 29 July 2017
A check engine light or poor gas mileage could mean your vehicle's oxygen sensor needs cleaning. The oxygen sensor on your vehicle controls the output of emissions, but they can get clogged from fluids. You will commonly find the oxygen sensor in the engine bay and it is close to the size of a spark plug. You should be able to clean the sensor yourself by following this guide: Prepare to Clean the Sensor
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Top 3 Improvements To Get More Power And Better Performance Out Of Diesel Engines

Posted on: 26 July 2017
Diesel engines are great because of their durability and performance in harsh driving conditions. Trucks, cars and machinery use diesel engines because of their durability, but they often lack power they need in some applications. Turbos are installed on vehicles to give the engines modern power, but sometimes this is just not enough. Here are some of the improvements you can have done to get more performance out of your diesel engine:
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Auto Tips To Live By

Posted on: 20 July 2017
When it comes to taking care of your car you will have different areas of concerns you need to take care of. From the exterior and the interior to the motor; there are many things to tend to as a responsible car owner. Here are just some of the areas to focus on: Taking care of your car's exterior You want to do all you can to keep the exterior of your car looking good.
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3 Common Mistakes You Could Be Making That Could Damage Your Transmission

Posted on: 14 July 2017
Even if you do not know much about car parts, you probably know that your vehicle's transmission is one of its very important parts. Therefore, you may want to do what you can to help ensure that this essential part is kept up and running as it should be. It can be easy to make mistakes that can damage your transmission, but you probably want to avoid these mistakes if at all possible so that you can keep your transmission in good condition.
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