3 Things That Should Be Checked About Your Diesel Truck Before Every Trip As An Owner-Operator
Posted on: 23 September 2017
Your diesel engine should serve you well as an owner-operator truck driver. These engines are well known to last many miles, which s why most commercial business rely on a diesel-powered vehicle for their daily processes. The key to making sure your diesel engine lasts for as long as it should is proper maintenance and care. Working with a diesel auto service to maintain your truck is important, but there are also some tasks that you need to tend to on your own. Check out these three things that you should check about your diesel truck before you head out on a trip as an owner-operator trucker.
Check all fluid levels.
Before you head out on any trip, no matter how short of a run it is planned to be, it is best to check all fluid levels in the engine. Diesel engines rely on their coolant reservoir and proper oil levels to run as they should. If you spot any signs of low fluids, top of the reservoirs and then pay careful attention to any drips or potential leaks. One small leak of either coolant, oil, or diesel fuel could leave you stranded in the middle of a trip.
Examine the engine fan.
A bad fan under the hood can lead to overheating and an inability for the engine to function as it should without getting damaged in the process. So before you take off, make sure you get a good look at the engine fan. See if any blades of the fan are damaged or missing, and examine the fan as the engine is running to ensure it is rotating smoothly when it kicks on. If you do notice even a slight wobble or a barely damaged blade, it is a good idea to have the fan checked out by a professional truck service technician before you head out.
Check your gauges.
Start the engine of your diesel truck and allow it to idle for a bit. Once the engine has idled for a while, climb inside and check the gauges in the instrument panel. You should be looking to ensure you have good oil pressure, there is nothing going on with the fuel gauge, and to ensure you have good battery amps after idling. As simple as this may sound, too many truckers get halfway through a trip before they catch that something is off with the gauges that points to a bigger problem.