Crucial Car Tips Every College Student Needs To Know When They Head Off To College

Posted on: 1 March 2017
If your son or daughter will be leaving for college soon or if they are already there without your immediate assistance in case of car trouble, it is not too late to provide a few tips to extend the use of the car and prevent problems. For instance, a well-stocked emergency kit is a must and it is equally important to make sure that your college kid is familiar with its contents.
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Shifting Focus to Your Commercial Truck's Transmission

Posted on: 1 March 2017
If you use a commercial truck to provide goods and services to the public, you know how important it is to ensure that your commercial vehicle remains in good repair. Many commercial trucks come equipped with automatic transmissions that take the guesswork out of shifting gears. If the transmission malfunctions, your commercial truck could be rendered inoperable. Here are three important symptoms you should be focusing on that will help you determine if your truck's transmission is failing.
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Spring Tips to Protect Your Car's Windshield

Posted on: 1 March 2017
With the coming of spring also comes the time to check that your car weathered winter conditions well. Most people know to check the tires and wash the grime off the paint, but they may overlook the windshields. Unfortunately, your car's windshields often take the brunt of the harsh winter conditions and small problems can quickly become worse as spring turns into summer. The following are few things to check to prevent problems later on.
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The Pros And Cons Of Using A Tire Plug For A Flat Tire

Posted on: 1 March 2017
If you have a flat tire, you may be able to salvage the tire. Both plugs and patches can be used to seal up minor holes, preventing you from having to get a new tire. In some cases, a tire store may highly recommend one over the other, based on the location of the hole or the size of the hole that is causing the tire to go flat. In other cases, both will work and the decision is up to you.
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